The Character Based Leader By Lead Change Group: Free Summary

In a world where leadership often seems disengaged and uninspiring, the need for a new approach is clear. The Lead Change Group, an association of business leaders, coaches, and mentors, collectively strives to enhance the quality of leadership today. Their book, “Character-Based Leadership,” presents a powerful message: true leadership is rooted in character. Leading from who you are, rather than from your power or position, is the essence of character-based leadership.

Although the authors may differ in the details, they all agree on the core message: character counts in leadership, and there are key elements that shape character. This approach to leadership is about more than just achieving goals; it’s about fostering a culture of trust, competence, and purpose. In this blog article, we will explore the fundamental principles of character-based leadership and how you can apply them to make a significant impact in your organization.

Join us for the next ten minutes or so to discover how you too can contribute to the character-based leadership revolution!

Lesson 1: Character-Based Leadership 101

The first thing to acknowledge is that employees are often dissatisfied with their leaders. Leadership is frequently disengaged, and many young professionals entering the workforce are not interested in becoming leaders themselves. Character-based leadership offers an alternative approach with three underpinning concepts:

  • Competence: Your staff want to know if you, as a leader, can guide them toward the group’s objectives.
  • Trust: They must believe that you can achieve the objectives in a way that benefits them.
  • Purpose: They need to see that the purpose is worth the effort.

Leadership is influence, and influence is given based on competence, trust, and purpose. Making character a priority enables you to become a character-based leader.

Lesson 2: Leading from Within

As leaders, we bring our full selves to work—our principles, strengths, fears, and weaknesses. Character-based leadership requires a clear personal vision, which is the foundation of leading authentically. Abraham Lincoln is an example of such leadership; his connection to his authentic self and his vision for the country made him a revered leader.

A character-based leader is grounded in their inner self, has an inspired personal vision, follows respectful values, and has a clear vision of where to lead others.

Lesson 3: Accepting Your Value as a Leader

Leaders must acknowledge their strengths and capabilities, not as an ego trip, but as a belief in their ability to inspire others. Character-based leaders help others progress from good to excellent, turning their strengths into expertise.

Alternatives to character-based leadership—such as leading by position, policy, preference, participation, pandemonium, or personality—often stem from weaknesses in character. Leading from character strength puts you ahead of challenges and competition, allowing genuine use of your time.

Lesson 4: Head and Heart

A character-based leader uses both head and heart, balancing results and relationships. They think ‘we’ first and ‘me’ second, understanding the importance of both solid management judgment and fostering a supportive, adventurous, and innovative work environment.

Task-oriented practices are important, but they must be balanced with relationship-building. Character-based leaders oscillate between task completion and relationship nurturing as circumstances require, ensuring long-term success.

Lesson 5: Walking the Walk

Character-based leadership is built on the small actions and reactions that form our decisions. Consistency between what we say and do forms the foundation of our integrity.

To develop integrity:

  • Know Yourself: Be aware of who you are and remain true to yourself.
  • Respect Your Principles: Never stray from your core values.
  • Stay Humble: Acknowledge when you are wrong and learn from failures.
  • Be Accountable: Honor your promises and take responsibility for failures.

Consistency and accountability build trust and credibility as a leader.

Lesson 6: Humility and Respect

Humility and respect are crucial for leadership. Humility involves recognizing that we are better together and serving others without expecting a return. Respect means appreciating others and acting in their best interests. Character-based leaders look for win-win situations and foster an environment where everyone has the opportunity to lead.

Lesson 7: Measuring Up

Employees evaluate a leader’s trustworthiness using three yardsticks: ethics, interpersonal style, and work focus.

  • Ethics: Leaders should follow a strong ethical code, treat people with respect, act with accountability, and avoid blaming others.
  • Interpersonal Style: This includes how leaders engage with others and the chemistry they create.
  • Work Focus: A balance between getting tasks done and relating to others is essential.

A skilled leader helps team members appreciate different approaches and encourages collaboration.


Character-based leadership is more than just a leadership style; it’s a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of leading with integrity, humility, and respect. By fostering an environment where competence, trust, and purpose are paramount, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve great things. This approach is not about wielding power but about building meaningful connections and creating a positive impact.

By adopting these principles, you can transform your leadership style and contribute to a culture of character-based leadership within your organization. Embrace the genuine, consistent, and appreciative interactions that define character-based leadership. It’s about engagement, trust, and above all, character. Lead on to success and be a part of the character-based leadership revolution!

Actionable Takeaways from “Character-Based Leadership”

1. Prioritize Competence

  • Develop Your Skills: Continuously improve your abilities to lead and manage effectively. Seek out professional development opportunities and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Ensure that your team understands the goals and how to achieve them. Provide the necessary resources and support to help them succeed.
  • Evaluate and Adapt: Regularly assess your performance and be open to feedback. Adapt your strategies to meet changing circumstances and challenges.

2. Build Trust

  • Be Transparent: Communicate openly with your team about your intentions, decisions, and the rationale behind them. Transparency builds trust.
  • Show Consistency: Align your actions with your words. Consistency in behavior fosters reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Support Your Team: Demonstrate that you have your team’s best interests at heart. Provide support, recognize their efforts, and celebrate their successes.

3. Define and Share Your Purpose

  • Clarify Your Vision: Have a clear understanding of why you are leading and what you aim to achieve. This vision should guide your actions and decisions.
  • Align Goals: Ensure that your team’s goals are aligned with the broader organizational purpose. This alignment enhances motivation and commitment.
  • Communicate Your Purpose: Regularly share your vision and purpose with your team. Help them see how their work contributes to the larger mission.

4. Lead from Within

  • Know Yourself: Reflect on your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Self-awareness is crucial for authentic leadership.
  • Stay Grounded: Remain connected to your core values and principles. This connection will guide you through challenging situations.
  • Share Your Story: Let your team know who you are and what drives you. Authenticity fosters deeper connections and trust.

5. Inspire Others

  • Encourage Growth: Help your team members develop their strengths and move from good to excellent. Provide opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Mentor and Coach: Offer guidance and support to help others reach their potential. Be a role model and a source of inspiration.
  • Promote Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment where team members can share ideas, learn from each other, and work together towards common goals.

6. Balance Head and Heart

  • Focus on Results and Relationships: Ensure that you give equal importance to achieving tasks and building strong relationships. Both are crucial for long-term success.
  • Think ‘We’ First: Prioritize the needs of the team and the organization over individual gains. This mindset creates a supportive and cohesive work environment.
  • Cultivate Positivity: Encourage fun, creativity, and innovation. A positive work environment enhances productivity and job satisfaction.

7. Practice Integrity

  • Be Honest and Accountable: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Admit mistakes and work towards correcting them.
  • Respect Your Principles: Stay true to your core values, even when faced with difficult choices. Integrity builds a strong foundation for leadership.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate the behaviors and attitudes you expect from your team. Your actions set the standard for others to follow.

8. Embrace Humility and Respect

  • Recognize Contributions: Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members. This fosters a culture of mutual respect.
  • Serve Others: Lead with a mindset of service. Focus on how you can support and elevate those around you.
  • Foster Inclusivity: Create an environment where everyone feels valued and included. Respect diverse perspectives and encourage open dialogue.

9. Measure Your Leadership

  • Evaluate Ethics: Regularly assess whether your actions align with your ethical standards. Ensure you are treating people with respect and acting with accountability.
  • Assess Interpersonal Style: Reflect on how you engage with others. Aim to build positive relationships and create a supportive work culture.
  • Balance Task and People Focus: Strive to maintain a balance between getting tasks done and fostering strong interpersonal connections. Both are essential for effective leadership.

By implementing these actionable takeaways, you can embody the principles of character-based leadership and inspire your team to achieve great things. Leading with character, competence, trust, and purpose will create a positive and impactful environment for your organization.

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