Sales Growth by Thomas Baumgartner: Free Book Summary

In the dynamic world of sales, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for sustained growth and success. However, despite the critical importance of sales in driving business revenue, there remains a surprising lack of rigorous research in this field. Marc Benioff, the Chairman & CEO of Salesforce, highlights this gap, noting that many MBA graduates complete their studies without ever taking a course in sales. Recognizing this void, a dedicated team from McKinsey’s Sales & Marketing practice undertook extensive research and interviews with over 120 of today’s most successful sales leaders across various industries. The result is “Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World’s Sales Leaders,” a comprehensive guide that distills the essence of what makes sales teams excel in today’s competitive market.

This book provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies that any sales professional can leverage to drive growth. From predicting market trends to leveraging big data, and from mastering multichannel sales to fostering a high-performance sales culture, the strategies outlined in this book are designed to help sales teams achieve and exceed their goals. As we explore these five proven strategies, you will discover how the world’s best sales practitioners create growth in any market, ensuring they stay one step ahead of their competitors.

Strategy #1: Find Growth Before Your Competitors Do

To outpace competitors, it’s essential to predict market demands well in advance. As Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been.” This means looking 10 quarters ahead to understand emerging trends in technology, politics, geography, and regulation. For example, with cloud computing expected to reach $65-$85 billion by 2015, targeting small businesses with a pay-as-you-go model for online software can be highly profitable.

Another tactic is to “mine growth beneath the surface.” This involves identifying smaller, high-potential markets within broader regions. A European telecom company, for instance, subdivided its 15 sales regions into 500 micro-markets, revealing under-invested areas ripe for growth. However, this detailed analysis requires support from marketing and customer service teams to execute effectively.

Lastly, leverage big data to uncover growth opportunities. Go beyond your CRM to include data from suppliers, partners, and even customers’ social media. This comprehensive approach can reveal unexpected insights, such as Google’s discovery that tweaking the shade of blue in its Gmail ads generated $200 million in additional revenue.

#2: Sell the Way Your Customers Want

Understanding and adapting to customer preferences is more complex than ever, thanks to the internet and social media. The first step is mastering multichannel sales. Leading companies now pair inside sales reps with field reps to cover smaller, yet significant, customer needs, boosting productivity by 14%. Integrating online and offline experiences is also crucial; for example, car buyers often research online before visiting dealerships for test drives.

Digital sales are increasingly vital, with two-thirds of sales involving some online interaction. Optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing and enhancing mobile experiences are key strategies. Thomas Pink, an upscale shirtmaker, doubled its conversions by adding product videos to its website. Engaging customers through social media is another avenue for growth, as early adopters in B2B marketing are discovering.

Innovating direct sales by engaging customers early without pushing products and focusing on problem-solving can lead to higher sales. Additionally, having more experts available during the sales process can make a significant difference. Other tactics include orchestrating direct and indirect channels, investing in mutually beneficial partnerships, and localizing sales strategies in emerging markets.

#3: Soup Up Your Sales Engine

Designing efficient sales processes is critical for supporting your sales team. Start by tuning your sales operations for growth. A logistics company found that its reps were spending only 35% of their time selling due to administrative tasks. By streamlining these processes, they achieved immediate sales growth.

Building a technological advantage in sales is equally important. Providing the right insights at the right time can boost efficiency. For instance, one company used technology to help reps map daily travel plans, considering traffic patterns and store hours, enabling them to spend more time selling. Sharing these tools with channel partners can also extend their benefits.

Strategy #4: Focus on Your People

Amid all the technological and strategic innovations, don’t forget the human element. Managing performance for growth involves a shift in mindset. Coaching should be a core competence, with structured programs and regular contact between coaches and sales reps. For example, an industrial company’s 80/80 rule—sales managers spend 80% of their time with reps, and 80% of their compensation is tied to coaching—has proven effective.

Setting a high tempo of performance through frequent reporting helps maintain focus and address issues promptly. Recognizing that non-cash rewards can be more motivating than cash is also crucial. Tickets to favorite sporting events or additional training can drive performance.

Embedding these practices into daily routines ensures they stick. It takes repetition—at least 20 applications—before a new skill becomes ingrained. Investing in front-line managers, who play a pivotal role in change efforts, is also essential.

Strategy #5: Lead Sales Growth

Leading by example is vital for driving growth. Challenging the status quo, galvanizing the team with a compelling vision, and demanding clear results are key aspects of effective leadership. Leaders must be willing to challenge conventions, motivate their teams with a powerful vision, and hold everyone accountable for delivering results. Moving talent around to achieve goals and rewarding those who excel ensures sustained growth.


Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World’s Sales Leaders” is more than just a book; it’s a roadmap to success in the dynamic sales landscape. Drawing from the wisdom of over 120 top sales leaders, it provides strategies for finding growth opportunities, aligning with customer preferences, optimizing processes, focusing on people, and leading with vision.

These actionable takeaways offer practical solutions to common sales challenges. Implementing them requires continuous improvement and adaptation to stay ahead in a changing market.

Ultimately, “Sales Growth” reminds us that successful sales management involves building a robust, adaptable system. By embracing these strategies, sales leaders can inspire their teams, drive growth, and achieve remarkable results. Let these insights guide you to sustained success and growth in your sales endeavors.

Actionable Takeaways from “Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World’s Sales Leaders

Strategy #1: Find Growth Before Your Competitors Do

  1. Look 10 Quarters Ahead:
    • Regularly analyze market trends in technology, politics, geography, and regulation.
    • Invest in resources to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  2. Mine Growth Beneath the Surface:
    • Break down your sales regions into smaller, more manageable micro-markets.
    • Allocate resources based on the potential growth identified in these micro-markets.
  3. Leverage Big Data:
    • Incorporate data from various sources including suppliers, partners, and customer social media.
    • Use data analytics to uncover hidden growth opportunities and refine your strategies.

Strategy #2: Sell the Way Your Customers Want

  1. Master Multichannel Sales:
    • Pair inside sales reps with field sales reps to cover all customer needs.
    • Integrate online and offline customer experiences to ensure a seamless buying journey.
  2. Optimize Digital Sales:
    • Conduct A/B testing and invest in conversion rate optimization for your website.
    • Develop a robust mobile web experience to cater to the increasing number of mobile shoppers.
    • Engage with customers through social media platforms to enhance brand loyalty and drive sales.
  3. Innovate Direct Sales:
    • Engage customers early in the sales process without pushing products; focus on solving their problems.
    • Increase the presence of experts during the sales process to improve credibility and close rates.

Strategy #3: Soup Up Your Sales Engine

  1. Tune Sales Operations:
    • Analyze how your sales reps spend their time and eliminate non-sales related activities.
    • Implement tools and processes that allow sales reps to spend more time selling.
  2. Build Technological Advantages:
    • Use technology to optimize daily activities, such as route planning and customer interactions.
    • Share technological tools and insights with channel partners to improve overall efficiency.

Strategy #4: Focus on Your People

  1. Manage Performance for Growth:
    • Establish a structured coaching program with regular interactions between coaches and sales reps.
    • Set a high frequency of performance reporting to maintain focus and drive accountability.
    • Recognize the impact of non-cash rewards and incorporate them into your incentive programs.
  2. Build Sales DNA:
    • Embed successful behaviors and practices into the daily routines of your sales team.
    • Invest in the development of front-line managers to ensure they can effectively lead change efforts.

Strategy #5: Lead Sales Growth

  1. Challenge the Status Quo:
    • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement and questioning established practices.
    • Be open to innovative ideas and approaches that can drive growth.
  2. Galvanize Your Team:
    • Create a compelling vision for the future that resonates with your sales team.
    • Communicate this vision effectively to inspire and motivate your team.
  3. Demand Results:
    • Clearly define who is responsible for each aspect of the growth plan.
    • Be willing to reallocate talent to ensure the best outcomes.
    • Reward top performers and set them up for future success.

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